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Reality-Based Show to Create Rebirth of the American Daredevil

LOS ANGELES, October 1, 2003 - Peter Guber's Mandalay Entertainment and Davenport-Licata Entertainment today announced their partnership in developing a new reality-based television show starring daredevil and World Speed Record Holder, Russ Wicks.
The show, titled "AMERICAN SPEEDKING," will follow Wicks' adventures as he participates in various world speed records. His next major speed objective: capture the World Water Speed Record, held by his rival, Australian Ken Warby. Wicks' rivalry with Warby was detailed in a cover story in the March 2003 issue of WIRED magazine. Warby's speed of 317.6 mph has stood for 25 years.
"Wicks is the 21st Century American Speed King," said Art Davie, Mandalay executive producer. "In AMERICAN SPEEDKING we have a show that explores a man driven to do the near impossible, the extreme dangers he faces, and the ways he overcomes them. It's the kind of show that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats and that's good television."
AMERICAN SPEEDKING will provide a unique behind-the-scenes insight into the state-of-the-art technology utilized by Wicks' American Challenge team as he prepares to return the water speed record to the United States. The series will culminate with a grand finale featuring Wicks' run for the World Water Speed Record.
"The American Challenge team is comprised of the best aerospace, hydro/fluid-dynamics, boat racing design and manufacturing expertise available anywhere in the world," said Wicks. "Make no mistakes, this is an extremely dangerous undertaking, but I'm completely confident this will be a safe and successful attempt. I don't anticipate any problems, unless, of course, I sneeze while traveling 400 mph."
Already a World Speed Record holder, Wicks is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for breaking the 38-year-old Prop-Driven World Water Speed Record. He is one of only a handful of people to have traveled over 200 mph on both land and water.
AMERICAN SPEEDKING is positioned to be an innovative show with fast-paced, highly charged entertainment for the whole family. Each pre-recorded episode will include adventure and danger, health and fitness, space-age technology, teamwork at its best, and an all-American hero to cheer for. Producers Michael Davenport, Art Davie, Frederico Lapenda, and Michael Licata believe the excitement and adrenaline of the show will position Wicks as one of the most recognizable personalities on the planet.
"Wicks' courage, skill and dreams are inspirational," said Davie. "He has the same unflinching drive as Great Britain's legendary Donald Campbell, who was the last man to hold the world water and land speed records simultaneously."
For more on American Speedking:
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